
May 11th

Time Track1 Track2 Track3
8.30-9.30 welcome
9.30-9.45 on air
Intro by GrUSP
9.45-10.45 on air
Building for Utopia
Keynote by Gemma Anible
10.45-11.00 enjoy!
Short break
11.00-12.00 on air
Composer Best Practices 2018
Effective Code Review
Pragmatic TDD
Workshop by Luka Muzinic
12.00-13.00 on air
Getting started with Kubernetes
The way we teach tech
13.00-14.30 enjoy!
14.30-15.30 on air
Demystifying cache in Doctrine ORM
Mutation testing: better code by making bugs
15.30-16.30 on air
Zero Downtime Database Migrations and Deployments
Refactoring a large legacy PHP Application: a case study
16.30-17.00 enjoy!
Coffee break
17.00-17.30 on air
Symfony Messenger: Messages, Queues, Workers and more
Enter a new world of web development where everything is serverless
PUG Meeting
17.30-18.00 on air
Dynamic programming - 101
Speed up web APIs with Expressive and Swoole
PUG Meeting
18.00-19.00 enjoy!
Happy hour
20.00-24.00 enjoy!
Time Track1
8.30-9.30 welcome
9.30-9.45 on air
Intro by GrUSP
9.45-10.45 on air
Building for Utopia
Keynote by Gemma Anible
10.45-11.00 enjoy!
Short break
11.00-12.00 on air
Composer Best Practices 2018
12.00-13.00 on air
Getting started with Kubernetes
13.00-14.30 enjoy!
14.30-15.30 on air
Demystifying cache in Doctrine ORM
15.30-16.30 on air
Zero Downtime Database Migrations and Deployments
16.30-17.00 enjoy!
Coffee break
17.00-17.30 on air
Symfony Messenger: Messages, Queues, Workers and more
17.30-18.00 on air
Dynamic programming - 101
18.00-18.45 enjoy!
Happy hour
20.00-24.00 enjoy!
Time Track2
8.30-9.30 welcome
9.30-9.45 on air
Intro by GrUSP
9.45-10.45 on air
Building for Utopia
Keynote by Gemma Anible
10.45-11.00 enjoy!
Short break
11.00-12.00 on air
Effective Code Review
12.00-13.00 on air
The way we teach tech
13.00-14.30 enjoy!
14.30-15.30 on air
Mutation testing: better code by making bugs
15.30-16.30 on air
Refactoring a large legacy PHP Application: a case study
16.30-17.00 enjoy!
Coffee break
17.00-17.30 on air
Enter a new world of web development where everything is serverless
17.30-18.00 on air
Speed up web APIs with Expressive and Swoole
18.00-18.45 enjoy!
Happy hour
20.00-24.00 enjoy!
Time Track3
8.30-9.30 welcome
9.30-9.45 on air
Intro by GrUSP
9.45-10.45 on air
Building for Utopia
Keynote by Gemma Anible
10.45-11.00 enjoy!
Short break
11.00-13.00 on air
Pragmatic TDD
13.00-14.30 enjoy!
14.30-15.30 on air
15.30-16.30 on air
16.30-17.00 enjoy!
Coffee break
17.00-17.30 on air
PUG Meeting
17.30-18.00 on air
PUG Meeting
18.00-18.45 enjoy!
Happy hour
20.00-24.00 enjoy!


May 12th

Time Track1 Track2 Track3
8.30-9.30 welcome
9.30-9.45 on air
Intro by GrUSP
9.45-10.45 on air
Let's create a blockchain with PHP!
10.45-11.00 enjoy!
Short break
11.00-12.00 on air
Performance optimisation: how do I go about it?
Adding Event Sourcing to an existing PHP project (for the right reasons)
Real REST is easy with Api Platform
Workshop by Antonio Peric
12.00-13.00 on air
The Sodium crypto library of PHP 7.2
Empathy as a Service: Supporting Mental Health in the Tech Workplace
13.00-14.30 enjoy!
14.30-15.30 on air
Dr Sheldon Cooper Presents: Fun with Flags
Websockets and Torrents - A match made in PHP
15.30-16.30 on air
GraphQL, different way to think about APIs
Building your translation process
16.30-17.00 on air
Getting the most out of Symfony4
A Tale about Time
17.00-17.30 enjoy!
Coffee break
17.30-18.30 on air
Don't Stop Learning
18.30-18.45 enjoy!
Ciao dal GrUSP
Time Track1
8.30-9.30 welcome
9.30-9.45 on air
Intro by GrUSP
9.45-10.45 on air
Let's create a blockchain with PHP!
10.45-11.00 enjoy!
Short break
11.00-12.00 on air
Performance optimisation: how do I go about it?
12.00-13.00 on air
The Sodium crypto library of PHP 7.2
13.00-14.30 enjoy!
14.30-15.30 on air
Dr Sheldon Cooper Presents: Fun with Flags
15.30-16.30 on air
GraphQL, different way to think about APIs
16.30-17.00 on air
Getting the most out of Symfony4
17.00-17.30 enjoy!
Coffee break
17.30-18.30 on air
Don't Stop Learning
18.30-18.45 enjoy!
Ciao dal GrUSP
Time Track2
8.30-9.30 welcome
9.30-9.45 on air
Intro by GrUSP
9.45-10.45 on air
Let's create a blockchain with PHP!
10.45-11.00 enjoy!
Short break
11.00-12.00 on air
Adding Event Sourcing to an existing PHP project (for the right reasons)
12.00-13.00 on air
Empathy as a Service: Supporting Mental Health in the Tech Workplace
13.00-14.30 enjoy!
14.30-15.30 on air
Websockets and Torrents - A match made in PHP
15.30-16.30 on air
Building your translation process
16.30-17.00 on air
A Tale about Time
17.00-17.30 enjoy!
Coffee break
17.30-18.30 on air
Don't Stop Learning
18.30-18.45 enjoy!
Ciao dal GrUSP
Time Track3
8.30-9.30 welcome
9.30-9.45 on air
Intro by GrUSP
9.45-10.45 on air
Let's create a blockchain with PHP!
10.45-11.00 enjoy!
Short break
11.00-13.00 on air
Real REST is easy with Api Platform
13.00-14.30 enjoy!
14.30-15.30 on air
15.30-16.30 on air
16.30-17.00 on air
17.00-17.30 enjoy!
Coffee break
17.30-18.30 on air
Don't Stop Learning
18.30-18.45 enjoy!
Ciao dal GrUSP


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